Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2!

Well, I survived the first day of my weight loss journey. I found that if I ate smaller meals every three hours I was less apt to over eat. I did feel A LOT of anxiety yesterday. It was this overwhelming feeling to want to put things in my mouth to calm my nerves. I think I eat to deal with my feelings/problems. I also found that the busier I kept myself (removing my ass from the couch) the less I thought about food! Imagine that, there is more to life than what yummy foods I should eat everyday. I think cultivating more interests and actually participating in these activities will help a lot.
I got out and ran/walked with my husband and the dogs yesterday in the pouring rain. It wasn't raining when we started but once it started boy did it pour. It actually felt good because I was sweating so much! I figure if I can just focus on moving my body everyday I will be more successful than setting myself up to exercise for x mins x times a week.
I did make the mistake of getting on the scale this morning and found that I had gone from 239.2 to 240. WTH! This always happens whenever I start exercising because I am the QUEEN of gaining muscle mass. I know it is probably water weight or something but still discouraging. From here on out my plan is to weigh in one time a week. I also want to post pictures of myself as my journey goes along. Well, I guess I need to get my day started but as always any suggestions and comments are always appreciated! Have a great day!



  1. I saw your blog through someone else's blog. I Just started my blog aswell. And although I have been dieting and losing/gaining my while life, I am starting fresh, and being serious this time! So feel free to follow my blog aswell :) I need all the support I can get!

    This is my blog


  2. You're doing great, Meredith. One down, one done. It's so much easier when you just focus on the day you're on and not worry about what happened yesterday and what you have to do tomorrow. Small steps, babycakes. Small steps will lead to big strides.


  3. Way to go on the excercise- AND IN THE POURING RAIN! Rock star! ;)
